Expect every month,a discussion on every issue...
1. You should use your best common sense and your good instinct to pick your doctor.
2. Read, Read, and Read...
The more you are informed the easier it will be to make the right choice.
3. Feel free to request a second opinion if you are not 100% confident.
4. We know that to get pregnant with an infertility issue, sometimes it is more a financial than a medical problem.
5. There is a chance that surgery will not be the beginning, neither the solution for your infertility problem.
6. Do not be scared. There is a big difference between a doctor and a lawyer.
7. Do not wait too long to see a specialist.
8. It is easy ro lose your confidence after one failure.
9. Your first consultation should be very informative.
10. It is difficult to imagine how joyous the office staff gets when we find out that one of our patients is pregnant.
11. IF you do not feel like your doctor is taking care of you, it will not matter how knowlegdable they are.